Sunday, December 14, 2008

Is there really "Hope for the World?"

Yesterday, when I was driving home from the market, I spotted a man standing on the street corner panhandling. I usually just try my best to ignore these fellows, never knowing for sure if they are pulling a scam. This guy was raggedy, with dirty jeans, a scuzzy white T and flannel over-shirt, a crinkled cap, torn shoes, and a nap sack over his shoulder.

As I came to a stop right next to where he was standing, I made eye contact with the man, but quickly turned away. Suddenly, the light turned green and I sped away. Turning the corner, I found myself looking back at the man wondering if he would get any donations from the cars behind me. That is when I saw a makeshift bed of ratty old blankets stuffed up under the overpass.

My heart sank.

Since then I have been unable to get that man out of my mind. The look, the brief eye contact that we did share, keeps coming back to me.

He did not look unpleasant or mentally unstable.

He was not angry.

The look simply said, "Help me if you can." And, I can! But I didn't.


Randy Harris is doing a 4 week sermon series at HOCC called:

Hope for the World?

So, what hope was I giving this man? All he wanted was a little help...whatever I could give. And I couldn't even make eye contact with him.

"Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me..." It was Jesus who spoke these words. And yesterday, He was speaking them directly to me. Too bad I wasn't listening until it was too late.

Today, I went back to that same intersection searching for Jesus...but He wasn't there anymore. Seems like, I missed my chance.

Lord forgive me! Open my eyes to see You in everyone around me!


Melissa said...

It is amazing who God brings along our path and whether our eyes are really open to them and their need. Whether they are in a fine business suit or sitting on the side of the street. Both need Jesus and the love He has to offer and the question is did they see Jesus in us? Thank you for reminding me to open my eyes and see HIM in the people around me. Even when it's hard.

Trey said...

Your heart is so wide open, Kathryn.