Thursday, July 16, 2009

I am just not a Math person! I try to be...and part of me wants to be, because I think it would make me a better teacher. But I just can't force myself to fight for a chair in these workshops. So, I sit. I sit here in a chair that lines the wall of the outer sanction of the conference hall.

I chair among many. And I watch.

I feel a bit silly watching all these dedicated teachers rush around, toting their goods. They all have either large tote bags or buckets on wheels, all toppling with handouts, laptops, books, manipulatives, pens, paper, pencils, and many other items they have purchased from Math vendors. And here I sit. Just watching in awe of their determination to make the most of this three day conference!

And, yet, I sit!

I am a little envious-for I long to learn,but my great indifference toward math keeps me the day passes me by in the steps of Math bustling about me.

Now, if this were a Language Arts seminar, it would be a whole different story!

So, if you see me signing up for another Math conference, please remind me of this post!


Lara said...

I just hope this doesn't mean I have to go to a language arts conference next summer.

Unknown said...

Oh Kathy, I soooooo understand what you mean about math....AND how you feel about language arts! I am NOT a math person!