Saturday, August 30, 2008

God Sightings

What are God sightings?

Well, I feel like God presents Himself to us in some very unusual ways. He opens our eyes and ears so we can catch sight of Him trying to teach us something. I had one of these God sightings this week and would like to share.


I am not really into politics, but my mother loves to watch MSNBC. She has it on her flat screen TV, 24/7. There is always someone on there giving gushy details about one or the other candidates.

Mom called me today and said in her best "news reporter" voice, "Did you see who McCain took for his running mate?"
"No, mom, you know I don't watch that stuff too closely."
(sorry world for being politically ignorant)

She began telling me about how McCain had chosen a woman to run with him for presidency. Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska, is completely opposite of Hilary Clinton, and apparently very inexperienced. I understand that this announcement has ired many in the political world.

Not being very politically minded, here's my take...I don't think McCain picked this woman to be his running mate, God did. It seems to me that throughout this whole pre-election process, there has been a fight over whether there would be a woman in the White House or an African American man. It started with Hilary and Barack. When that didn't work, He led McCain to Sarah Palin. Now an African American man faces a white man with his woman running mate.

I think God wants change in America.
I think He is making it perfectly clear that women and African Americans can lead as well as anyone else.
I think His desire is to get all the prejudice mess out of the way.
I think He has balanced the scales.
Obama is in one corner and Sarah in the other. Now it's a fair fight.

I am still not political.
I, honestly, don't have a clue who I will vote for in November.
I don't judge anyone for their choice in this election.
I just want to thank our Almighty God for giving us the freedom to make this choice.

You Go God!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good ALL of your articles. (I have such a smart daughter!!) I have only one small correction.......I watch MSNBC NOT EVER CNN or CNBC!! I know you don't know the difference but to us polical news junkies it is a BIG difference!! I love you sweet girl! Keep up this good work. Love, Mom. Dad would be proud too!